Satisfy Your Curiosity

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cabbage with Yellow Lentils

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween and that you visited many houses that gave out handfuls of candy. Seth and I had originally planned to go out but changed our plans at last minute and stayed home, leaving us candy-less for the hordes in our apartment complex.  I tried to simply ignore the knocks on our door, but as the background music on the tv grew into crescendo I cringed and went running into the bedroom. I figured the farthest corner in the room was the safest place in case the kids should storm in, demanding booty. There might have been blood when I tried to give away canned goods. When I was young my mom gave out Little Debbie snack cakes, usually oatmeal pies. Yes, we were that house. I don't think Mom gave out candy until I was in college.

Tomorrow is Dia de los Muertos, my favorite holiday to speak aloud and a day to spend with memories of loved ones who've passed away.

Oh, and this is a cabbage dish I made a couple of weeks ago but never got around to posting. Perfect if you have half a head of cabbage lying around, perhaps left over from making Punjabi cabbage. Or something.

Cabbage with Yellow Lentils
The Food of India

The original recipe calls for split peas, which I would recommend if you have them. I had yellow lentils on hand, so went with them. I also didn't have any curry leaves, but if you can get them, use them.

4 1/2oz yellow lentils (or split peas)
1lb green cabbage
3tbsp oil
1/4tsp black mustard seeds
2tsp cumin seeds
8 curry leaves
2 dried chilis
pinch of asafoetida
1/4 ground turmeric
cilantro leaves 

1. Soak lentils in hot water for 2 hours or until soft, but not breaking apart. Drain thoroughly.

2. Shred cabbage, Heat oil in a heavy-based frying pan over low heat. Add cumin and mustard seeds, cover and allow to pop briefly. Add curry leaves, dried chilis and lentils and fry for 5 minutes, stirring often.

3. Add the asafoetida, turmeric and cabbage and fry over low heat until cabbage in cooked through and tender. Season with salt, to taste. If using, sprinkle chopped cilantro over top before serving.
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